Heute mal in English / Sorry wenn’s nicht immer ganz korrekt ist! ;)
Giuseppina is an italian women which lives in Goult, France and cooks wonderful food at peoples houses as a personal chef for one evenig. Her blog http://giuseppinamabilia.blogspot.de/ is subtitled with “the adventures of a very personal chef” and I can tell you that is absolutely true. Her clients can book her to cook a menu for several people for dinner or lunch. She goes to the markets arround and by fresh vegetables, fruits, meat and fish. All ingredients have a such high quality and she has a big knowledge what do to with it. My favorite things about her are that she trashs nothing and use no already prepared products. If it is a stock or a dough – everything she does herself and this is amazing.
And now the story how I meet her. As I walked through Goult I see her house in the middle of the village, with this big olive tree in-front it, and I walk by to take a look. In the window was a little poster with her name and the blog-adress and that she gives cooking classes. I take a photo of the poster and went home to have a look at her blog. It takes a long time until I write her, tell her what I do and that I like her blog very much. We write some emails and then she told me to knock at her door to take a coffee when I am there again. I come over, knock at the door and went in. She give me a very lovely welcome and we go straight to the kitchen and start to talk. What we like in cooking and what our favorite receipts are. She needs to prepare some fresh beans in the kitchen and I start to help her to peal them. And we talk and talk and had so much fun. At the end we fix a lunch together four days later to cook and eat together. Two days later we write an email what we want to cook – we go to make a fresh bellini and a risotto. I prepare some dessert with cookies, mascapone and strawberries.
As we come over to begin cooking she said that we will do an very old venetian risotto with inwards of a chicken. She had two chicken carcases over and some inwards. The inwards was liver, stomach, heard, kidney and the comb. Before we make a little salad with radishes and the leafs of the radishes only with a little salt, balsamico vinegar and olive oil. Beside the fresh made bellini she have some cocked eggs from the pintade chicken – little and a very hard shell. The pintade chicken is a black legged chicken. I also bought one at the marked to roast it – but this will be another story.
After the salad we eat the risotto and finished with the dessert and coffee. We prepared together the hole food and she showed me so much interesting things. In the stock, we cook for the risotto, she puts an onion which she only cut half and roast the outside with the shell at the gas oven. The roast gives a wunderful taste in the stock. The thing with the mortar and pestle – she has so much different spices which she grind in it. Than she told me that if you want to make a good tomato-salad – never ever – use vinegar! And there is a different between risotto that you cooked stiring and that what you put with all ingrediens in the pot on the oven and never stir, is that the stiring is called risotto and that the other one where you not stir is called Risi. The Risi is more like a thick soup and not like the pasty risotto. After nearly five hours we finish very happy and full of new ideas. It was a lovely day with some much nice talkings and I hope we will do this in near future again. The sunday after we go to a wonderful market in Coustellet with her – but this is another story for a new post.
Go to her blog and watch what she creates – it is incredible : http://giuseppinamabilia.blogspot.de/
And now I will write down in keywords how we do the Venetian Risi (Risotto):
- Make your one chicken stock!
- Cut the inwards in very thin pieces and roast them soft with the fat of the chicken and onions
- Cook them until they are soft – this takes nearly 1,5 hours
- Give the inwards in a pot and roast them with the risotto rice
- Then give as much stock to it as the rice needs and cook it without stiring (or maybe only a little)
- At the end give some butter and rubbed parmesan
- Taste with salt and pepper
And now some pictures:
This is the bag with all the needfull things she takes to her clients.
The showed me how usefull wooden mortar and pestle are and I buy them one day after our cooking session. :-) I have one in stone but the wooden one is so light and you can take it very where. Her bag is like a bag of a wizard :-) .
The Pintade Eggs
The Bellini
The radishes salad
The Venetian Risi with inwards
The roasted onion in the stock
The wonderful risotto rice
The cookie dessert
Giuseppina and Me taking photos
3 Kommentare zu "Küchenjunge trifft Blog: Kochen mit giuseppinamabilia.blogspot.de"
Patty 20. Juli 2012 (11:20)
Giuseppina is great and I really hope to meet her like you did one day or the other. I’m completely charmed by her job and her lifestyle. Her blog shows her personality and it is not possible not to be fascinated by this woman reading her stories and imagining the quality of her food and recipes.
You had the chance to meet her and your post is really lovely. I enjoyed reading your great time together: this is one of the best things that can happen when you are a foodblogger! Sharing this passion with people who feel the same.
A big hug from Tuscany, Pat
Küchenjunge 23. Juli 2012 (17:28)
Thank you for your nice words! :-) It was a wonderful time there! You need to go there and cook with Guiseppina!!! :-)
In September I will be in Tuscany (Panzano in Chianti). This is your lovely country! I will enjoy it there also very much! Your blog looks very nice – I will have a look at it! :-)
Albion John 28. April 2023 (08:28)
Der Kontakt zu anderen Bloggern in Ihrer Nische kann eine gute Möglichkeit sein, Ideen und Perspektiven auszutauschen und ein Gemeinschaftsgefühl aufzubauen.